Hier and Diederich Present “The Science of Wellness” at I2SL Annual Conference in Atlanta
Architect and Laboratory Planner Kate Hier, AIA, NCARB, WELL AP, and Mechanical Engineer Shawn Diederich, PE, LEED AP, WELL AP, recently presented at the I2SL Annual Conference in Atlanta, Georgia. Entitled “The Science of Wellness: Designing Human-Centric Laboratories,” the session outlined several considerations that must be evaluated as institutions consider the role of well-being in their facilities. Kate and Shawn also shared a variety of strategies that can be incorporated into the planning, design, and operational phases of a facility project. The session concluded with a look forward at the evolution of the science of wellness and its positive impacts on the facility experience and human health.
To read the presentation abstract, visit the I2SL website. For examples of related projects Clark & Enersen has designed, please see our dedicated Science and Technology page.