
The use of simulation to enhance the educational process is a highly-effective approach to increase knowledge retention, develop repeatable skillsets, and enhance research outcomes. Clark & Enersen has designed a wide variety of high-fidelity simulation spaces and standalone simulation facilities for numerous clients across the nation, and has regularly participated in national conferences to discuss advances in simulation pedagogies.

We understand that simulation technologies are rapidly growing and ever-changing, and that facilities and infrastructure must be flexible to accommodate those changes. Our full-service team of laboratory planners, architects, and engineers uses an integrated and collaborative design process to create technology-rich simulation spaces that remain on the cutting edge years into the future.

Metropolitan State University of Denver, Health Institute Simulation Laboratory

Community College of Denver, Boulder Creek Health and Science Renovation and Addition

University of Missouri-Kansas City, Youngblood Medical Skills Laboratory

University of Kansas Medical Center, Orr-Major Building Gross Anatomy Renovation

University of Missouri-Kansas City, School of Dentistry

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Center for Brain, Biology, and Behavior

Kansas State University, Trotter Hall 1st Floor Renovation

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lozier Center for Pharmacy Science and Education & Center for Drug Discovery

Colorado State University, C. Wayne McIlwraith Translational Medicine Institute

Iowa State University, Vet Field Services Building

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, Industry Education Center and Veterinary Tech Expansion

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Davis Global Center for Advanced Interprofessional Learning