Teaching Laboratories

Teaching laboratories play a vital role in preparing students for the future by providing opportunities for real-world lab experience and discovery. Clark & Enersen has planned and designed teaching laboratories for educational institutions across the country, creating solutions for the unique pedagogies of each space.

We have a deep understanding and appreciation for how education can be optimally delivered in laboratories, including a mix of experiential, active, and didactic learning, coupled with ever-changing technology considerations. Our full-service team of laboratory planners, architects, and engineers work closely with stakeholders, ask the right questions, and use an integrated and collaborative process to create spaces that enhance the educational process for students and faculty for years to come.

University of Nebraska Omaha, Durham Science Center Renovation

Metropolitan State University of Denver, Health Institute Simulation Laboratory

Missouri University of Science and Technology, Applied Research Center

Kansas State University, Global Center for Grain and Food Innovation

Colorado State University, Veterinary Health and Education Complex

University of Missouri, Veterinary Medicine Diagnostic Laboratory Study and Design

Community College of Denver, Boulder Creek Health and Science Renovation and Addition

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Engineering Kiewit Hall

South Dakota Mines, Mineral Industries Building

Northwest Missouri State University, Agricultural Learning Center

South Dakota State University, Animal Disease Research and Diagnostic Laboratory

South Dakota State University, Raven Precision Agriculture Center

Rockhurst University, Gross Anatomy Laboratory

South Dakota State University, Avera Health and Science Center

Missouri State University, Darr Agricultural Center – Bond Learning Center

Drury University, Physicians Assistant Facility Space Program

Southeast Missouri State University, Magill Hall Addition and Renovation

University of Missouri, Lafferre Engineering Hall

Columbia College, Brouder Science Center

Black Hills State University, Life Sciences Laboratory

University of Missouri-Kansas City, Health Sciences Building

Wayne State College, Carhart Science Building HVAC Replacement, Renovation, and Addition

Kansas State University, Durland Hall Chemical Engineering Renovation

Colorado Mesa University, Wubben Hall Renovation and Addition

Clarke University, Center for Science Inquiry

University of Kansas Medical Center, Orr-Major Building Gross Anatomy Renovation

University of Colorado Boulder, Muenzinger Renovations: Classroom and Laboratory Renovation

University of Kansas, School of Pharmacy Teaching and Administration Building

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, College of Engineering Master Plan

South Dakota State University, Engineering Innovation Building

University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Hamilton Hall Chemistry Laboratory Renovation

South Dakota State University, Dairy Microbiology and Agricultural Hall Renovations

University of Nebraska at Kearney, Bruner Hall of Science Addition and Renovation

Kansas State University, Trotter Hall 3rd Floor Renovation

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Lozier Center for Pharmacy Science and Education & Center for Drug Discovery

Colorado State University, C. Wayne McIlwraith Translational Medicine Institute

Iowa State University, Vet Field Services Building

Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture, Industry Education Center and Veterinary Tech Expansion

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Nebraska Nanomedicine Production Plant Clean Room Suite

Missouri University of Science & Technology, Schrenk Hall

Johnson County Community College, Career and Technical Education Center

Missouri University of Science & Technology, Bertelsmeyer Hall

Nebraska Wesleyan University, Duane W. Acklie Hall of Science

University of Nebraska Medical Center, Davis Global Center for Advanced Interprofessional Learning